Well maybe the Title is subject to different interpretations. The only thing steamy going on around here is the weather. Summer is fast approaching and the South Florida heat and humidity is fast climbing.
This week has been hotter than a goat's butt in a pepper patch as we say in the South.
Anyway the Passion that I am referring to happens to be the Passion Vine.
This one sprung up next to the concrete on my back porch. Instead of pulling it up I let er grow up the support of my back porch awning.
After it reached the awning roof I strung out some wire in both directions and the passion vine has been growing sideways along the wire.
It has gotten pretty big and I can sit on my back porch and watch what's happening with the vine. Turns out to be kind of interesting. The passion vine has lots of activity going on.
The Butterflies are attracted to it as a place to lay their eggs. There have been both Gulf Fritillarys and Zebras on the plant every day this week. It's what's known as a host plant for these Butterflies and they have flocked to my back porch to get to this plant.
Once the eggs are laid and hatch the Caterpillars emerge and start eating the Passion vine leaves.
This Caterpillar here shown munching away is from a Zebra Heliconian Butterfly.
Apparently they just hang around eating all day getting fatter and fatter. Kinda like humans in a way seems to me.
It too is enjoying the salad bar of the leaves of this Passion vine.
But you have to be tough to be a Caterpillar because as they are busy eating away other insects are eyeing them as a tasty lunch.
The Mockingbirds sure wouldn't pass up one of these plump morsels. But for now they stay away whenever someone is on the porch.
However their are other Caterpillar predators lurking in the Passion Vine .
This little fat cat fell victim to one of the many other insects that like to call the Passion vine home.
For those Caterpillars that survive they stop eating and move on to the next evolution which is forming their chrysalis.
This is one of the Zebra Caterpillars that formed a chrysalis on the Passion vine .
I watched it the other night as it gyrated itself around repeatedly weaving itself into a case.
It will stay this way for around 10 days and emerge as a new Zebra Butterfly.
The Passion Vine is covered in different insects as it gives out a sweet scent that is attractive to them.
I don't mind that the Caterpillars are eating the vine as it is cool just to sit and watch everything that is going on. And to be surrounded by Butterflies throughout the day is kinda neat also.
So now the Title becomes clear as I do have passion on the back porch :-]
I love the title to your post Sanddune! When you get fruit, it will look lovely hanging down from the vine. I find the flowers also atract honeyeaters which are a bit like a hummingbird.
ReplyDeleteIt must be fun to watch those caterpilllars evolving to the beautiful butterflies!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great place to have your passion vine growing. It's right where you can observe all the action. I am always amazed at how strong this vine is. Mine gets eaten to the nubs and then springs back and the cycle starts all over again. The blooms are quite beautiful. Mine has never fruited but that would be a real plus.
ReplyDeleteI think it's terrific that you can sit on your porch and observe all the butterfly activity. And the vine should be gorgeous when it blooms!
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought you were posting about lovebugs. They, too, can create a lot of passion on your back porch :-). The passion vine is very beautiful and the caterpillars really do love it.
ReplyDeleteWhat type of passiflora is that? And yes, the heat and humidity are climbing indeed.
ReplyDeleteThis passion vine has just opened it's first fruits. I have never seen a hummingbird here in the sandpit. Maybe they are around but I have yet to see one. I think the Honeyeater bird is native to Australia but it would be cool to see one here.
The back porch Passion vine is full of activity from bugs to butterflies. It is interesting to watch.
This vine chose to sprout up on its own where it did. I just let it grow for the butterflys instead of pulling it up. It had several fruits open yesterday but my other passion vines have never fruited. Maybe because this one gets more sun-just a guess.
It's neat to watch it growing around the awning. It has a home until the first hurricane when the awning comes down. The blooms or fruit or whatever they are look neat but they close back up after one day.
We have been spared the lovebugs here so far but we are getting the first summer mosquitos which are about the same size.
I have no clue as to what kind it is all I know is that it sprouts up all over. The vine must send out sideways roots like bamboo. It has purple flowers if that means anything toward identifying the type.
P.S.- Every time I try to open your blog I get the message error on the page and it crashes my IE browser. Have you had problems with your site or is it my IE browser settings?